domingo, 24 de noviembre de 2013

[4eso] The set of the real numbers

This post contains the materials to develop nine sessions (55 minutes each) working with real numbers.
Topics worked: rational & irrational numbers, rational numbers as fractions, intervals, scientific notation, rounding numbers, approximations & errors, powers: integer & rational exponents, radicals, drawing real numbers, use of GeoGebra.

session 1 (the set of the real numbers): teacher guide, handouts, solutions
session 2 (from decimals to fractions): teacher guide, handouts, solutions 
session 3 (intervals): teacher guide, handouts, solutions  
session 4 (scientific notation): teacher guide, handouts, solutions
session 5 (errors & approximations): teacher guide, handouts, solutions 
session 6 (errors & approximations): teacher guide, handouts, solutions
session 7 (powers with integer exponents): teacher guide, handouts, solutions 
session 8 (powers with rational exponents): teacher guide, handouts, solutions 
session 9 (radicals): teacher guide, handouts, solutions       

draw real numbers
examples (GeoGebra files): ex1, ex2, ex3, ex4
assessment exercise: text, solution1, solution2, solution3, solution4

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